
t) Building individual knowledge and skills  Next s)

i) Building individual knowledge and skills

Staff working with people with ABI need specific knowledge and skills to help them work appropriately.

There are many roles in working with people with ABI including information and referral staff, support workers, program staff, case managers and managers.

All staff need:
a) An introduction to ABI
b) An introduction to appropriate ways of working with people with ABI

There are on-line self-study modules available for each of these topics on the web site

Staff with specific roles may need additional skills, for example:

Information and referral staff - conversation skills & being open to the possibility a person may have an ABI

Support workers - strategies for managing specific behaviours, communication skills, skills for building independence

Program staff - strategies for managing specific behaviours

Case managers - making case management appropriate for people with ABI and goal setting for people with ABI

Managers - skills in identifying and managing the disillusionment process than can happen with support staff working with people with ABI.


What knowledge and skills do I need for my role?
What are the learning opportunities available for me to gain this knowledge and skills?



iii) On-line learning opportunities

The web site has further e-learning materials.

The resources on this site have been designed to be used by people with TBI. They are also relevant for working with most people with ABIs.

There are Self-study modules and Toolkits


1 An Introduction to Traumatic Brain Injury
2: Communication
3: Promoting skills for independence
4: Understanding and managing cognitive changes following an TBI
5: Understanding and managing behaviour Changes following an TBI
6: Sexuality after an TBI : issues and strategies
7. Case management
9. Mobility
10. Mental health & TBI: an introduction
11. Mental health problems and TBI: diagnosis & management
12. Working with Families after Traumatic Injury: An Introduction


A. The Next Step: Transition from Children's Services to the Adult World
B. Working Together Promoting Independence    
C: Smart Phones
D. Return to Work


Managing Risk providing attendant care
This website provides guidance on key considerations when delivering support.

Support Workers provide assistance for people with disabilities to perform tasks they would normally be doing for themselves. Managing Risk This site is about managing risk in providing attendant care to achieve Support Worker and Participant health and safety.

Managing Risk providing attendant care